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Long Time No See

Hi everyone. 

I don’t know how to come back without some awkward silence. 

It’s been a while. I know.

I haven’t forgotten about this or you. 

I’ve been thinking. 

I’ve been living.

I have so many thoughts each day. 

To be honest:

I’ve been having trouble finding the time to document them.

But that’s the point. I need to. And I’m trying. 

I have been writing poems, thinking of artistic ideas, creating journals and writing notes here and there. 

All things I want to share. 

It’s been hard for me to put into words all I’ve been thinking about and all that’s flowing through my brain/consciousness.

I’ve been diving deeper into spirituality in my life too- exploring what there is to the world, our souls, and what’s beyond. I’m convinced, and the more I learn the more there is to discover and unravel. I’m taking it all in. 

It’s been taking up space in my mind.

In a good and profound way. 

I want to be able to share that as well. And the dreams I’ve been having. 

I’m still navigating and learning too, while trying to live my everyday life, just as is everyone else.

I do want to be more present here.  

For now, let’s pick back up somewhere

I have had a post written since January, but I never completed it. It was a lengthy draft and a rough spill of my thoughts then. Solid ideas and topics there. I will polish it up and get it out eventually to this blog. I feel a bit disconnected to it since months have gone by since I started it and added a few additions, yet nonetheless I will return to it. It’s okay to pull back and allow time to reflect- as long as you dive back in somehow. 

I want to provide a poem in the meantime. 

It’s about what life would feel/look like without all the pain and suffering that comes externally and if we were to just see the world at our very first glance- soaking up and observing all of its beauty. It also serves as a self-reminder to stay thankful and present- to not miss out on how beautiful the world, life, nature, and its creatures are…before things get complicated. If I saw the rawness and rarities of the world with virgin eyes, I wouldn’t be able to miss its marvel. I would think about how lucky I am to be experiencing it. We are experiencing it. Maybe it can serve as a reminder to step outside and reconnect with nature and its state of wonder. It would be love at first sight.

Life at First Sight 

By Emma S.

If I opened my eyes for the first time and left the darkness and blindness behind,

I would climb to elevation and take a look around.

Notice every spring, animal, flower, and sound.

Low vibrations cannot reach me here.

There is no worry, doubt, or fear.

The clouds are weightless, reminding me to be free.

I would see so many colors, all stemming from just three.

Dozens of shades varying from just tree to tree. 

I would admire its uniqueness, just like you from me.

Red love, yellow happiness, blue sadness,

combined to create thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

What an overwhelming sense of discovery and wonder.

Within every tree, pond, and stone I’d see,

thousands in front of me live and thrive. 

I am never alone; here pure positivity persists.

Every valley, river, mountain, hill, moon and sun

flowing, growing, and evolving before my life has even begun.

A gift exceeding time, corruption, and chaos.

Beauty is always there- up, down, front and behind.

This world is theirs, yours, and mine- it truly is one of a kind.

Now I get why they say there is Love at First Sight.

Woman of the blog is Mother Nature. She speaks for herself.

Lead with love. Love is what you should be searching for. It is found in so many forms.

Additionally in my project pocket, I have a series of photos in combination with a writing piece I wrote that I’m proud of. I really am excited to share. All thanks to the help of a lovely friend who helped me execute my idea and vision. I think it turned out beautiful and hope to display its message of power, resilience, and a lived experience that juggles rage, resentment, desperation, and a sense revolution.

There is more to come!

Thank you for waiting and if you’re here, it means a lot. All I hope is that I can connect with someone internally and hopefully artistically in some way shape or form from here on out.

I hope you are doing well. I am. See you soon.

Peace and love, 




Self Sanctuary

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